Friday, July 22, 2011

An ode to the air conditioner

Oh sweet freon of the cool drafts, how I love thee.

Thou makest the sweat vanish and the heart beat gentler

Thy drafts make us sneeze yet we sleep restfully in thy gentle white noise

Thou keepest us from murder on the subway and create gentle relief on NJT trains

Thy sweet coolness removes the odor of ass from the air, and brings us peace

We curse thine absence and welcome the opening blast of thy cool presence at mall entrances.

We dedicate movie theaters and shopping malls as thy divine houses of worship, and reserve a subway car unblessed with thy presence for the sinner.

Oh air conditioning, how we adore thy coolness, for lack of thee is misery.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Lincoln Hwy,,United States

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