Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

Just a quick thought on labor day...for a long time, I've scoffed at the idea of a third party in this country, mainly because I couldn't shake the prior attempts made in presidential elections and the media circus around them.

But it's clear to me (and apparently to what's left of organized labor in this country) that there's no party that supports the goals and the needs of the American worker.

In case you're wondering who the america worker's most of us. Labor is where our middle and working classes come from. It's the classes who have seen the social safety net eroded, the cost of educating their children rise, all while a historic transfer of wealth to the wealthy accelerated in their lifetime.

For historical perspective, this trend began with Reagan and has continued unabated regardless of which party holds office. We need a labor party. And it can happen. Using all the remaining unions to throw their weight towards a new party might create enough of a groundswell to actually create a new voice that represents a majority of Americans.

What we have now is an oligopoly that creates the illusion of choice, while the reality of corporate interests over people continues unabated. Social issues and debates are window dressing used to distract us from where the money goes, and it is increasingly not to the american worker.

In the next few months, there will be massive trade agreements put forth to congress while this jobs proposal comes out for debate. It is highly unlikely that much real good for the American worker will be in the jobs bill...what is likely is that what will be in the trade agreements will be a further blow to the interests of american labor.

How can you be for a party when no party is for you?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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