Saturday, July 6, 2013

Snowden is a TRAITOR!

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

The Supreme Court has interpreted this to mean that no one can commit treason unless it’s with a country against whom our Congress has declared war. This means that neither the Vietnam War nor the Korean War nor the War on Terror can yield treasonous Americans, as none of these wars were declared by Congress. (MSNBC)

I find it very scary, that without evidence of real treason (which has a very clear constitutional definition) the court of public opinion, as well as both republicans and democrats, are trying Snowden on TV news. The other day, John Kerry had this to say:
When asked if he considers Snowden a traitor, Kerry said he wouldn’t “play word games about what he is or isn’t,” but went on to say that the 29-year-old is a “traitor to the oath he took to his fellow employees, to the duty he took freely by his own choice.” (New Yorker)
By this logic, ANYONE who blows the whistle on unlawful or immoral behavior is a traitor.  A cop who "rats on" other cops for corruption.  The soldiers who published information on Abu Ghraib.  Food processing plant employees who take photos of chicken processing. Employees of the federal government who blow the whistle on as clear a violation of the fourth amendment as one will find.
All traitors according to Kerry.
It would seem that this program has the backing of both parties, so for once we have unity in creating a nationally televised two minutes hate on Edward Snowden, and this is a partisan politics free fun fest.  The talking heads  went from defending him and attacking the program to attacking him in a two week period. You really have to ask why.
His run from the government seems clear enough - hes a fugitive for bringing this to light, as he knew he would be. There were other NSA whistleblowers who served time for leaks on this program, as documented here.
What happens with Snowden from here on out is nothing but a distraction. It is smoke and mirrors designed to distract all of us from the continued erosion of our rights in the name of this "war on terrorism" that started with 9/11.
If you think this technology has not already been used to monitor the activity of Occupy, and other lawful protest organizations, then you are being naive.
I predict that if we capture Snowden, we will have a very public trial, where his character will be torn apart and his motives made suspect. Failing this, we will continue to excoriate him in the court of public opinion with the media and the usual suspects presiding.
We will destroy the leaker, and distract from the leak.  When Edward Snowden is turned into an effeminate weakling who runs to Venezuela like the coward he is, you'll know that your fourth amendment rights are safely non existent.

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