Thursday, December 4, 2014

Police officers are not soldiers

We are blurring the lines between soldiers and policing, and that is a huge part of the more general issue of disproportional use of force in the US.

Drug raids by SWAT teams look an awful lot like house raids in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the increase in the use of raids of this type does an awful lot to dehumanize the populace in the eyes of those participating in the raids.

Too many cops exposed to this approach to policing can begin to see the job from the perspective of soldiers operating in a hostile area, that all affronts to authority must be met with force and dominated.

Far too many incidents, involving the mentally ill (now a Supreme Court case), people of color and poorer whites (the common denominator being poverty) have come to light demonstrating excessive use of force.

Perhaps dialing back the size and scope of swat teams, ending the drug war, stopping patrols with military weapons and riot gear...and reminding everyone that the mission of a police force is not subjugation...but to serve and protect our nations people.

Maybe we can start by pulling cops in paramilitary gear out of port authority and penn station.

This isn't Afghanistan.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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