Sunday, October 9, 2011

I loved this guys comment on gawker... #OWS

So I had to repost - this is a perfect answer to all the people in my generation (older) doing what older people usually do - sneer at the idealism of youth. I'd love to meet this kid and talk to him.


Gen X doesn't know how to lead? See, all this talk of "unwashed hippies" and "stupid kids" has got me thinking a lot about your generation's track record: running up the federal deficit, deregulating the financial sector, opening the door for money in politics, waging countless long and costly wars, destroying the environment, all while pushing important domestic concerns like education and poverty to the wayside...I could go on. And I think it's important to point out that your generation has been unable or unwilling to advance any viable solutions for these problems, possibly because it's my generation that is now bearing and will bear the brunt of the damage. Yes, you have failed us, and in bigger ways than you think. So please, shut up about how a bunch of 20-somethings lack leadership skills. Why are you holding them to a greater account than the actual leaders who should presumably be older, wiser and more experienced?

I also think you're just being incredibly short sighted in writing off the protesters' operations. For one thing, Max is right that there is a lot of theory behind this. For another, the protesters frankly aren't as leaderless as the mainstream media has suggested. Do you really think these people's assemblies can happen without some designated leaders and rules, however relaxed those designations might be? Have you heard anything about the Internet committee? The winterization committee? Yes, they are leaderless in a sense. They are also organized and determined.

I'm a Gen Y'er who's been stopping by the occupation in fits and spurts. (Because yes, I have a job...for now.) I haven't felt this hopeful about my future in a long time.

1 comment:

Skippy said...

Problem for me Steve is that they all add to the bush8t because they like to write about it or get on the streets to complain or riot (UK) against it BUT we just remain in the same spot. The oldies and the youngies both have little to no answers......apathy to achieve a resolution is the winner here!! Skippy