A little place to comment, vent, and observe the world. I write it for me, so if you read it, that's your problem.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
One of my favorite Steve Jobs observations
"Many companies get the disease of thinking that a really great idea is 90 percent of the work. And if you just tell all these other people here’s this great idea then of course they can go off and make it happen. And the problem with that is that there’s just a tremendous amount of craftsmanship in between a great idea and a great product. Designing a product is keeping five thousand things in your brain and fitting them all together in new and different ways to get what you want. And every day you discover something new that is a new problem or a new opportunity to fit these things together a little differently."
-Steve Jobs
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Sunday, October 9, 2011
I loved this guys comment on gawker... #OWS
Gen X doesn't know how to lead? See, all this talk of "unwashed hippies" and "stupid kids" has got me thinking a lot about your generation's track record: running up the federal deficit, deregulating the financial sector, opening the door for money in politics, waging countless long and costly wars, destroying the environment, all while pushing important domestic concerns like education and poverty to the wayside...I could go on. And I think it's important to point out that your generation has been unable or unwilling to advance any viable solutions for these problems, possibly because it's my generation that is now bearing and will bear the brunt of the damage. Yes, you have failed us, and in bigger ways than you think. So please, shut up about how a bunch of 20-somethings lack leadership skills. Why are you holding them to a greater account than the actual leaders who should presumably be older, wiser and more experienced?
I also think you're just being incredibly short sighted in writing off the protesters' operations. For one thing, Max is right that there is a lot of theory behind this. For another, the protesters frankly aren't as leaderless as the mainstream media has suggested. Do you really think these people's assemblies can happen without some designated leaders and rules, however relaxed those designations might be? Have you heard anything about the Internet committee? The winterization committee? Yes, they are leaderless in a sense. They are also organized and determined.
I'm a Gen Y'er who's been stopping by the occupation in fits and spurts. (Because yes, I have a job...for now.) I haven't felt this hopeful about my future in a long time.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Labor Day
But it's clear to me (and apparently to what's left of organized labor in this country) that there's no party that supports the goals and the needs of the American worker.
In case you're wondering who the america worker is...it's most of us. Labor is where our middle and working classes come from. It's the classes who have seen the social safety net eroded, the cost of educating their children rise, all while a historic transfer of wealth to the wealthy accelerated in their lifetime.
For historical perspective, this trend began with Reagan and has continued unabated regardless of which party holds office. We need a labor party. And it can happen. Using all the remaining unions to throw their weight towards a new party might create enough of a groundswell to actually create a new voice that represents a majority of Americans.
What we have now is an oligopoly that creates the illusion of choice, while the reality of corporate interests over people continues unabated. Social issues and debates are window dressing used to distract us from where the money goes, and it is increasingly not to the american worker.
In the next few months, there will be massive trade agreements put forth to congress while this jobs proposal comes out for debate. It is highly unlikely that much real good for the American worker will be in the jobs bill...what is likely is that what will be in the trade agreements will be a further blow to the interests of american labor.
How can you be for a party when no party is for you?
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Thursday, September 1, 2011
Disney & Science
The closest we get to an origin of tthe universe is the big bang. Evolution is never mentioned or discussed directly. Climate change as a result of energy use- "it's controversial" . I wonder what walt would say in today's environment of willful ignorance and blatant disregard for science...would he stay out of the fray or would he take a stand?
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Friday, July 22, 2011
An ode to the air conditioner
Thou makest the sweat vanish and the heart beat gentler
Thy drafts make us sneeze yet we sleep restfully in thy gentle white noise
Thou keepest us from murder on the subway and create gentle relief on NJT trains
Thy sweet coolness removes the odor of ass from the air, and brings us peace
We curse thine absence and welcome the opening blast of thy cool presence at mall entrances.
We dedicate movie theaters and shopping malls as thy divine houses of worship, and reserve a subway car unblessed with thy presence for the sinner.
Oh air conditioning, how we adore thy coolness, for lack of thee is misery.
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Location:Lincoln Hwy,,United States
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Hike at ramapo
Distance about 3.5 miles. Rocky, moderate scrambles.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Thursday, June 30, 2011
iPhone Car Audio
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Little neck clams
salt, pepper
Olive oil
White wine
Chicken broth
Red onion
Little neck clams
Proportions vary with the number of clams..suffice to say you want about 3/4" of liquid in the pot before you add the clams.
Over medium-high heat-
Heat pot. Add oil, butter.
sauté onion til translucence
Add garlic.. Toss until you smell it (10-15 seconds)
Add wine.. Reduce by 1/4..
Add broth..bring to a boil
Add salt and pepper.. Lite on the salt or even eliminate if u like. Clams ship with salt!
Add cleaned and Scrubbed clams.
Cover and keep on med-high heat.. You want steam in there.
Cook for at least 6 minutes.. No peek! Check every minute or so after. When clams start to open, remove from heat, leave covered and let sit for 5-10 minutes.
Add chopped parsley
Serve in bowls w crusty bread.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, May 30, 2011
Effortless Weekend BBQ
Carve all the skin and fat off the exterior of the shoulder. We're not having crackling, and its better to get more dry rub all over the shoulder.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Schiffs first law
This is the golden rule of Schiffs law. It does not suppose you must love your neighbor, or treat others as you would be treated. What it means is to avoid counterproductive efforts that serve your own ego or baser emotions instead of being primarily interested in accomplishing things.
Dicks are more concerned with being right than getting to the right answer.
A dick will argue with someone who they know is right because they're afraid of appearing inferior.
Dicks hold grudges.
A dick is the person who calls out an individual in the middle of a forty person conference call.
Long copy lists for an antagonistic email are one of the dicks weapons of choice.
Dicks are outranged and angry about non problems. Dicks do all the talking and never want to listen.
Everyone is a dick sometimes. Its part of being human. So remember this law, and be less of a dick, starting today.